Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Weed, Water and Harvest

Crab Grass grows up through the cardboard
path coverings.  And watering makes it worse.
Try to keep the paths dry, watering only inside
your bed.  Deep watering can also cause seepage into the paths
which can increase weed growth.
  Its time to start our summer harvesting. Zuccini, greens, onions, garlic and other early summer crops are ripe.  Harvesting at the right time can make a big difference.  Waiting to harvest can sometimes make the produce less nutritious, and often keeps the plant from maximum production.  Adjusting harvesting can improve the total harvest amount.  In short, your garden plot will not wait for you.  So weed, water and enjoy.
White Top and Morning Glory near the Circle Bed.
These two weeds are noxious. They need to be pulled and
placed in the black weed cans.