Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Obnoxious or Noxious?

White top is a noxious spreading weed
The garden is sprouting lots of weeds, noxious, obnoxious and some only mildly annoying.  Do you know the difference?  Here are a few pictures to help you identify the noxious, sometimes called invasive ones.
Knowing your weeds helps all of us.  Please dispose of weeds properly to reduce labor, improve composting and keep the garden weeds under control. In an organic garden weed control is everyone's job.
These noxious weeds need to be dug up and put in the big blue barrel to be taken out of our garden.  Obnoxious and annoying weeds, if not going to seed, can be put directly in the compost pile.  For more information on identification of our gardens' weeds contact a garden mentor, the Siskiyou County Agricultural Department or look online at their plant ID website.  http://www.cal-ipc.org/WMAs/Siskiyou_WMA.php

This bermuda or crab grass was found in the finished compost
pile and was ready to find its way into someone plot.

Alfalfa is found throughout our garden. It is not a problem weed,
in fact it is a soil building legume.

Dandy lions may be obnoxious in your lawn, but in our garden they
are not noxious. 

Marlahan Mustard is an invasive noxious weed.

Later in the year, we will see puncture vine
and star thistle becoming more prevalent.  But for now, we have our hands full staying on top of these difficult invasive species.  Also remember not to water anywhere besides your vegetable bed.  Additional water only encourages the weeds.

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