Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fall Clean-Up and Work Party

Our garden needs some fall clean-up and wrap up for winter.  If you are going to garden this winter, that's great too.  Either way, we need all gardeners to clean up their plots, compost and weed them and generally help tie down everything before the winds and snow come. 
You are invited to join your fellow gardeners for an end of the year
POTLUCK and WORK PARTY on October 29th from 10-3. 
If you can't make it on that day, please make time to do your chores before the end of this month. 
Fall is a good time to do a little reflecting on what you grew this year too. 
Did you like your tomatoes?  Did you try that unusual cucumber variety your neighbor had?  What would you like more of, less of, none of, for next year?  (Even a few notes might be a good idea.)  I know I was disgusted with the mini-peppers we grew this year because the effort did not seem to match the result.  Did you like being part of the anarchy garden group?  Did you wish you had helped harvest for the food bank?  What would you change? 
We will be having an all gardener meeting this winter to collect your ideas for...
2012.. Here we come! 

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