Friday, November 9, 2012

Bring Us Your Leaves

Yreka Community Gardens, on Knapp Street next to the high school gym, will be collecting leaves for its 2nd annual leaf collection drive. This event aims to reduce leaf burning and offers an alternative to taking leaves to the transfer station. The garden will be composting all donated leaves for use on-site.  This year we will be collecting leaves from 11-2 on November 10th and 17th, plus a date in December to be decided. Clean loads only please. No walnut leaves, pine needles, brush, garbage or other yard debris will be accepted. All donations will be inspected and any mixed bags or loads will be turned away. Email any questions or comments to or call Rachel Jereb at 842-3408.

1 comment:

  1. You will notice that the above notice says "collecting leaves from 11-2 on November 10th and 17th." Today is Nov. 10. I was just there and there is a sign on the gate that says the collection is Nov. 20 and Dec. 4. It would be very helpful if you got it together and let us know what the actual date is.
